On Saturday 26th march, it was my mothers birthday. My mum always makes fab birthday cakes for me and my family, therefore this year I wanted to have a go at creating a cake for my mother. I made a chocolate gravity defying cake. If you'd like to make this cake then keep on reading because I'm going to tell you how!Gravity Defying Cake!
You will need:
1 x cake (Pssssh!!! You thought I was going to tell you my families secret chocolate cake recipe? Think again!)
1 x plastic stick- preferably about 40-50cm's tall.
150g of melted milk chocolate
1 x piping bag
3 x boxes of chocolate fingers
9-12 pieces of cotton wool (You're probably thinking WTF! But trust me on this one OK?)
2 x bags of your choice of chocolate or candy
20g white chocolate
250g of icing (I used chocolate but you can use whatever you like)
1 x cake board
150 cm of ribbon of your choice.
1 x pair of sharp scissors
1 x offset spatula
1.) Using the icing cover your cake. Put the majority of the icing on top but spread around the sides so your chocolate fingers have something to stick to.
2.) Put the melted milk chocolate into the piping bag and cut the tip off the bag to create a small hole. Neatly cut the corner of the candy or chocolate bag and empty the content into a bowl. By squeezing the bag paint the stick in chocolate (only do one side of the stick at a time) and put the candy or chocolate one by one on the chocolate. Leave about 5-10 cm of space at the top of the stick.
3.) Open the empty chocolate or candy bag and stuff it with the cotton wool, this will give the appearance of a full bag. Place the uncovered end of the stick into the bag, the cotton wool will support the stick, however if you'd like to secure it more cover the top of the stick in melted chocolate.
4.) Put a little blob of melted chocolate on the middle of the cake board and transfer the cake onto the board. The melted chocolate will secure the cake.
5.) With force, push the stick about 10 cm into the centre of the cake.
6.) place the chocolate fingers upright around the sides of the cake. After that put your ribbon around the cake and tie a bow. Once you've tied a bow, cut the ends of the ribbon to a reasonable size to make it look tidy.
7.) open the other bag of treats and sprinkle onto on the cake, filling in any spaces.
8.) With the remainder of melted chocolate, spread it out on a piece of baking parchment. Place in the fridge till its set and manageable. Then break into a plack size and with a piping bag with a small tip write a message or a name or anything you like!
There you have it! If you would like to make this cake then go ahead! Send me snapchats or tweets of your cake I'd love to see it!
Love Ya! Xxx
Want to see more of me?
Snapchat: rosehlaura
Twitter: @beastfromeast26
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